Social Media Game Rules
Congratulations to Our #HBAAC24 Bingo Winners
Year of Membership: Andrea Henderson
Mentorship: Arshia Ghani
2025 Annual Conference ticket: Sneha Sharma
How to Play:
Pick up a game board from registration or the Marketing table in the Grand Ballroom Foyer and complete the social media action in each square. Once complete, cross it off on your game board for a chance to win awesome prizes! Posts can appear on any social media channel unless specified on the game board.
- Any #HBAAC24 conference attendee can play.
- All posts must include the hashtags #HBAimpact and #HBAAC24.
- Have your posts verified at the Marketing table in the Grand Ballroom Foyer by 3:40 PM on Wednesday, 25 September.
- Most important rule… HAVE FUN!
How to Win:
Complete the squares in the following patterns to win a prize. Participants can win more than once. Once you have Bingo, please bring your game board back to the marketing table in the Grand Ballroom Foyer to receive your prize.
- 5 in a row (across, diagonal, or vertical) = Prize: choice from prize table
- Complete 15 or more squares = Prize: 1 raffle ticket. Winner can choose which raffle they would like to enter.
- Complete the entire card = Prize: 3 raffle tickets. Winner can choose which raffle(s) they would like to enter.

Raffle Prizes:
- Free registration to the 2025 HBA Annual Conference
- Free entrance into a regional HBA Mentoring Program.
- Free year of HBA membership (one year renewal for current members).
Questions? Visit the marketing table in the Grand Ballroom Foyer.