Leisa Hirtz Bio

Leisa Hirtz, CEO
Women's Global Health Innovations
Leisa is a social and product innovator who, for over 30 combined years, has worked in healthcare, public health, product research and development, and manufacturing. She founded Women’s Global Health Innovations, a for profit social enterprise, in 2013 with the mission to develop innovative menstrual and reproductive health products with supporting education programs to challenge the stigmas, taboos and shame surrounding periods. In collaboration with material scientists, microbiologists, physical chemists and leading researchers, Leisa developed the first physically antibacterial menstrual cup, the Bfree Cup. The Bfree Cup is easy to clean, it’s safe, comfortable and now used by thousands of marginalized girls and women globally to comfortably, affordably and in an environmentally sustainable way to manage their menstrual periods healthily with confidence and dignity.