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Host City Impact Project

The HBA Host City Impact Project is our commitment to actively engage members in activities aimed at leaving a positive imprint on each city hosting the HBA Annual Conference. Our approach begins with thorough research to identify local needs and opportunities that resonate with the core values and objectives of the HBA. Guided by dedicated HBA volunteers, the Host City Impact Project not only cultivates a sense of togetherness, purpose, and social responsibility among our conference attendees but also promotes networking, team building, and meaningful connections with the local community and its organizations. Through these endeavors, we seek to embody the principles of social consciousness, community engagement, and global citizenship. 

This year, our project once again centers on HBA Next Gen and spotlights the mission and aspirations of the Canadian Association for Girls in Science (CAGIS), Canada’s largest and longest-running STEM (science, technology, trades, engineering, and math) club for girls and gender-diverse youth aged 7-17. This award-winning club, founded in 1992, supports interests in STEM with virtual programming and local clubs that visit labs, workshops, and field sites to meet mentors and do fun, hands-on activities.  

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Want to make an impact?

Individual Support

There are three ways you can contribute:

  • DONATE – We would like to raise $7500 during the conference to gift memberships to 100 girls who otherwise would not be able to participate in CAGIS activities. Any amount is appreciated to help us get to our goal. Click here to donate.
  • VOLUNTEER – Stop by the Host City Impact Project (HCIP) table in the Empowerment Zone and sign up to participate in upcoming in-person and/or virtual events.  Share your expertise and experiences to help the youth of CAGIS see the possibilities.
  • ENCOURAGE – Take a moment at the HCIP table to write a note of encouragement for young girls and gender-diverse youth in STEM. Your words can inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators.  

Corporate Engagement

Amplify your company’s social impact. Stop by the HCIP table to learn how your company can support the mission of CAGIS. Collectively, we can help create pathways to fulfilling careers in STEM.